Pachyderms are organized under a unique concept for political clubs with educational programs centered around government and politics. Pachyderm clubs are open to all Republicans.
Pachyderms believe that the corrupting influences in America could be erased, and government generally made more responsive, by one basic improvement. All that is required is for more good citizens to participate in politics. "We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for," remains a guiding star for a free people.
Pachyderms offer a meaningful movement of political clubs as the most practical means by which a broad citizen participation in politics may be achieved.
Pachyderm Clubs promote the development of potential political leaders.
Pachyderms provide leadership in Government, protect individual rights and Freedom, promotes clean Government with local emphasis and keeps the public informed on the status of their government.
Pachyderm Clubs are one of the officially recognized allied organizations of the Republican National Committee.
1. To provide a practical means for broad citizen participation in politics.
2. To promote practical political education and the dissemination of information on our political system.
3. To promote the development of potential political leaders.
4. To assist in carrying out the purposes of the Republican Party, whose purpose we believe includes:
It is our belief that most of the corrupting influences in American politics could be erased and government generally made more responsive by one basic improvement. That is, simply for more good citizens to participate in politics. "We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for," remains a guide-star for a free people. We offer a meaningful movement of political clubs as the most practical means by which a broad citizen participation in politics may be achieved.
Reagan stated, 1984:
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
We are a Political Club patterned after civic clubs with programs centered on government and politics.